Cumberland Valley Race Series
Chambersburg YMCA Youth Triathlon Triathlon
Benefiting Chambersburg YMCA
Register for 2022 Chambersburg YMCA Youth Tri Team

This event has been cancelled
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50-100 meter/yard swim
3.12 mile bike
1.15 mile run

More details to come in regards to event start time.

4.27 Mile complex of different loops course.

50-100 meter/yard swim

Youth has the option to swim 50-100meters


3.12 mile bike


1.15 mile run



· Following the completion of the race there will be an award ceremony. Details to come.
· All race participants are eligible for race raffles. Must be present to win.
· 1st & 2nd place will be awarded for individual male and female, and 1st & 2nd place masters male and female. Team placing in 1st and 2nd will be awarded.
· Finisher medals for every Youth participant

Entry Fees

Refund Policy

Click here for Timber Hill Timing's refund policy.

Online registration is not available from Timber Hill Timing for this event.

Online registration available at Cancelled.

Race day registration and bib pickup will begin at 7:30 AM at the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA, 570 East McKinley Street, Chambersburg, PA.  Registration closes 15 minutes before the event starts, please be considerate of others and register on time.

*Race Day Check-In time will be announced and bib pickup will occur at the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA, 570 East McKinley Street, Chambersburg, PA.
Race kicks off at 8:00 AM
Youth Race kicks off after last adult heat - approx 9:15 AM
Registration does not include a t-shirt.
Registration must be received by 09/2/2022 for long sleeve shirt.
No race day entries.
First come First serve on bike racks.
Bike helmets are required. No helmet no riding.

Timing   Chip timed event

Timing for this race will be provided by Timber Hill Timing.

Everyone will start together with a gun/whistle/siren/"GO".
Each starter will have their start time recorded to calculate your "chip time".

The finish will be chip timed. Your time and place will be taken automatically from your timing chip.

Your finish time will use your chip start time and chip finish time to calculate your "chip time". All awards will be determined by chip time. Results will be delayed as your place my change as each finishers chip time is calculated.

You are responsible for wearing your race bib and timing chip properly!

All runners must wear a timing chip on their shoe in order to receive a time and to be eligible for awards. Click here for instructions on attaching your timing chip.

Runners must wear their bib number on their chest in order to be identified in case of a timing chip failure.

Failure to wear your timing chip on your shoe or your bib number on your chest may result in a disqualification at the discretion of the Race Director or Timber Hill Timing.

Please be patient!

Timber Hill Timing strives to produce accurate and timely results but like any technology it is not perfect and 100% reliable. We employ several backup measures in case the timing system is not working as planned. Depending on the issue, there may be a delay in producing the results. Accurate results will always be a higher priority than quick results. Please be patient as we work to resolve any problems that may arise at a race.

Occasionally results will not be available before you leave the race, but they will be posted on the website as soon as results can be verified.

Event Links
Event Flyer  Event Flyer

Other Events
YMCA Tri: 8:00AM  (7/100) Festival Chip timed event
Open 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Team 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Youth 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Youth Team 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event

Your Hosts
This event is hosted by and proceeds benefit the Chambersburg YMCA.

For more information or to volunteer contact Becky Hege at or by phone at (717) 263-8508

Saturday, September 24, 2022

8:00 AM

4.27 MI Triathlon Chip timed event

YMCA Tri: 8:00AM  Festival Chip timed event
Open 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Team 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Youth 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event
Youth Team 8:00AM  Triathlon Chip timed event

Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
570 East McKinley Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201

Event Flyer  Event Flyer

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