The SCA 5K is part of Shalom Christian Academy's Dutchfest. Join us this year for the Dutchfest that will be held at our new location the Franklin County Fair grounds. Details to come.
New Location at Franklin County FairgroundsJoin us this year for the Dutchfest that will be held at our new location at the Franklin County Fairgrounds. Details to come.Walkers Welcome
Events |
5k Race 8:30AM  Fun Walk 8:30AM 
Course |
5 Kilometer out and back road course.
The 5k course is out and back, going over rolling country roads and crossing the picturesque Conococheague Creek.Course RecordsCategory | Name | Record | Male | John Ladesic | 00:17:15 | Female | Jen Timmons | 00:20:15 | Masters Male | John Ladesic | 00:17:15 | Masters Female | Kelly Dworak | 00:21:45 |
Awards |
5k AwardsFirst overall male & female ($50)
First Masters male & female ($50)
First age Group (8 & under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-20, 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over)Door prizes following race
Entry Fees |
Event | Today's Fee | Event Day Fee | 5k Race | $25 | $30 |
Shalom Student/ Alumni Shalom Student/ Alumni receive a $5 discount. Enter Alumni in the Discount Code
Refund PolicyClick here for Timber Hill Timing's refund policy.
Registration |
Online registration is open and will close on Thursday May 1 at 3:00 PM.
Race day registration and bib pickup will begin at 7:00 AM at the Franklin County Fair Grounds, 3725 Warm Spring Rd, Chambersburg, PA. Registration closes 15 minutes before the event starts, please be considerate of others and register on time.
Event Links |
Event Web Site  Course Map 
Your Hosts |
This event is hosted by and proceeds benefit the Shalom Christian Academy.
Contact |
For more information or to volunteer contact Jeryl Hoover at jhoover@shalomca.com or by phone at (717) 375-2223